Below is an address search tool that will identify the status of the County's efforts to help bring high speed internet availability to all locations in Carver County. Only property addresses physically located within Carver County borders are included in this address lookup tool, which includes addresses that have an out of county post office mailing address. If your address resides in Carver County borders and you cannot find it in this search tool contact Randy Lehs, CarverLink Fiber Manager, at [email protected]. Provide your name, physical property address and phone number in your email so we can fix the issue.
Carver County negotiated with Metronet to pilot their first ever rural program that eliminates Metronet's maximum 200 ft driveway limit to the house or business that would have previously labeled that address as unserviceable.
Based on the separate but associated Connect Up Carver Project, the County identified addresses on the opposing side of the road and along fiber feeder line connection routes that fall outside of the Connect Up Carver defined geographic construction area.
City Fiber Agreements are agreements that CarverLink drafted and then helped to facilitate agreement between Metronet and Carver County cities, which encompass Metronet agreeing to build out fiber to addresses within each respective city.
View all the information about our $10.5 million Connect Up Carver project that started in 2022 and runs through Dec 31, 2024, which includes constructing over 360+ miles of rural fiber in Carver County to make fiber internet service available to 2200+ rural addresses.
On December 12, 2023 the Carver County Board adopted the 2024 Property Tax Levy and Budget, which included $2.5 million to expand CarverLink's ongoing Connect Up Carver rural fiber build project with the Connect Up Carver Expansion (CUCE). These funds were able to be utilized to put together an overall $14.3 million fiber buildout that completes fiber to all remaining rural locations in Carver County and also builds out fiber in the cities of Chanhassen and Victoria.
Based on the separate but associated Connect Up Carver Project, the County identified 9+ miles of "fill the gaps" fiber construction in the overall 360 miles of build that would benefit from filling gaps along various routes.
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Public and Community Support Entities
The public and community support entities served by the CarverLink Fiber Network include the County, connections within all 11 of our cities (Carver, Chanhassen, Chaska, Cologne, Hamburg, Mayer, New Germany, Norwood Young America (NYA), Victoria, Waconia, Watertown), our transit authority (SW Transit), all public schools of our 7 school districts, our college (Crown College), the two largest medical providers within the County (Ridgeview Medical and Lakeview Clinic), the Carver County Economic Development Authority, and several townships. There are two types of public users on the CarverLink network: users that only use CarverLink as their internet service provider (ISP) and users that use CarverLink internet as well as dark fiber between their facilities, allowing them to eliminate communication lines known as T1’s or their equivalents.
If you are with a public entity, either within or outside of Carver County and have questions about connections to the CarverLink network, please contact Randy Lehs, CarverLink Fiber Manager at 952-361-1200.